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About Me.

I am a game designer with experience in the Unity game engine as well as a decent amount of knowledge and work made in the Unreal Engine 5 game engine. 


I have quite a few interests and skills, with my main focal point being on designing how systems work in games as well as the creation of maps and levels in games. I also have an interest in modeling and texturing via Blender and Adobe Substance Painter, and the creation of shaders utilizing Unity Shader Graph and Unreal Engine 5 materials.


I am particularly skilled at designing how a video game item may function and the potential science behind its function with a great interest in hardcore science/science fiction and engineering style games.


 I have a good understanding of many non-design design related disciplines such as understanding terms, phrases and processes related to art and modeling, as well as rigging, and a decent understanding of coding languages such as C#. I perform very well with visual scripting tools as seen in Unreal Engine 5 and Unity Shader Graph.


My resume can be found here 



Advanced Diploma in Professional Game Development (due to complete December, 2023)
Academy of Interactive Entertainment

I have completed several minor projects and have worked on a major production project (Cheesepunk) in both Unreal Engine 5 and Unity 2021. During these projects, I have developed advanced skills in visual scripting, Unreal Engine 5 visual scripting blueprints and materials systems, and Unity's visual shader graph program. I have gained knowledge in the development of ingame economies and wrote a few conceptual game GDD's  

Diploma of Screen and Media
Academy of Interactive


Diploma of Visual Arts
Academy of Interactive Entertainment

During these courses, I developed skills in game development, production processes, game narratives, modeling, texturing, and coding, I also wrote a large game design documents (GDD) and worked on a major production called Ant Assault 


Cheesepunk page

I worked on a variety of elements in the project such as the creation of certain parts and a multitude of blockouts for those parts (this involved the ingame heliblade, tesla cannon and blockout models for parts such as the boxing glove, several cut cores, a cannon, and many more items. I also worked on creating and implementing the majority of the shaders used in the game via Unity shader graph as well as creating quite a few of the skins in the game and the model for the heliblade. I also worked on two of the games levels such as the kitchen sink level and a cut level that would have taken place in a poorly constructed bookshelf. Finally, one of my other major parts was playtesting and recording the trailer footage 

Ant Assault page

I was responsible for designing the final level of the game nicknamed chamber 5. It originally was a massive underground soda can before evolving into a burnt out tree root with a lava floor. I also assisted with playtesting parts and providing feedback on mechanics 

Examples of items I have created and worked on:

Shaders for Cheesepunk


Rocket engine I modeled, textured and implemented as mod item

Chamber 5 blockout v4.png

Blockout for level nicknamed chamber 5 in Ant Assault 

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